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Membership level
Lone Star Sponsorship
- $2,500.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 1st
No automatically recurring payments
- Name on Sponsors of TPPGA page on our website
- Verbal Promotion at events
- Promotion to TPPGA members
- Use of the TPPGA logo and the term “Proud Sponsor” in your advertising for the year of your sponsorship.
- Welcome Promotion on Facebook / Instagram
- Listed on the TPPGA booth banner, displayed at trade shows and events the TPPGA attends.
- Listed in printed material distributed by the TPPGA
- Your company logo and a link to your home website included in all e-newsletters.
- Your company’s literature is sent to all new members in our New Member Welcome Packet.
- “Sponsor of the Month” perk
- Advertise, up to once a week, on our Facebook - Group for the duration of sponsorship.
- Weekly Social Media Exposure: Regular promotion on our Facebook and Instagram account, with one post per week highlighting your sponsorship and contributions.
- Opportunity to provide a class or speaking engagement at events organized by TPPGA, subject to approval by TPPGA's event committee. The duration of the session will be determined by the event schedule and the discretion of TPPGA. (Terms & Conditions apply)
Longhorn Sponsorship
- $1,000.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year
No automatically recurring payments
- Name on Sponsors of TPPGA page on our website
- Verbal promotion at events
- Promotion to TPPGA members
- Use of the TPPGA logo and the term “Proud Sponsor” in your advertising for the year of your sponsorship.
- Welcome Promotion on Facebook / Instagram
- Listed on the TPPGA booth banner, displayed at trade shows and events the TPPGA attends.
- Listed in printed material distributed by the TPPGA
- Your company logo and a link to your home website included in all e-newsletters.
- Your company’s literature is sent to all new members in our New Member Welcome Packet
- “Sponsor of the Month” perk
- Weekly Social Media Exposure: Regular promotion on our Facebook and Instagram account, with up to one post per week highlighting your sponsorship and contributions.
Bluebonnet Sponsorship
- $500.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year
No automatically recurring payments
- Name on Sponsors of TPPGA page on our website
- Verbal promotion at events
- Promotion to TPPGA Members
- Use of the TPPGA logo and the term “Proud Sponsor” in your advertising for the year of your sponsorship.
- Welcome Promotion on Facebook / Instagram
Trailblazer Sponsorship
- $100.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year
No automatically recurring payments
- Name on Sponsors of TPPGA page on our website
- Use of the TPPGA logo and the term “Proud Sponsor” in your advertising for the year of your sponsorship.
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5900 Balcones Dr., Suite 100
Austin, TX 78731
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